About BeeBeeOne

The idea for BeeBeeOne’s clean energy storage systems originated in 2018. We added the design criterion “clean” to our list of principles necessary for building large-scale energy storage systems. This addition came after extensive research into the widely used lithium-ion technology, which proved to be irresponsibly “dirty” due to the extraction process of raw materials and the disposal of spent batteries as hazardous chemical waste. BeeBeeOne was founded in 2019, and in July 2022, the construction of the first large-scale clean energy storage system began.

The idea for BeeBeeOne’s clean energy storage systems originated in 2018. We added the design criterion “clean” to our list of principles necessary for building large-scale energy storage systems. This addition came after extensive research into the widely used lithium-ion technology, which proved to be irresponsibly “dirty” due to the extraction process of raw materials and the disposal of spent batteries as hazardous chemical waste. BeeBeeOne was founded in 2019, and in July 2022, the construction of the first large-scale clean energy storage system began.

Large-scale application was a logical step

Lithium-ion batteries are widely used in devices such as smartphones, computers, and cars. However, this type of battery is not suitable for the enormous amounts of energy generated by wind farms and solar panel fields. BeeBeeOne’s technology, on the other hand, is ideally suited for large-scale energy storage. BeeBeeOne’s energy storage systems are designed for storage capacities ranging from tens to hundreds of megawatt-hours.

BeeBeeOne ensures that sustainably generated energy can also be sustainably stored. Double sustainability, indeed.

Harmonious Integration into the environment

BeeBeeOne requires a certain volume for its energy storage systems, with significant flexibility in design. Our systems can be rectangular or cylindrical, and can be built either partially above or below ground. Existing buildings can be converted into mega-batteries, and new systems can be installed beneath stadium stands. This offers urban planners and (landscape) architects a sustainable playground full of creative possibilities.

Additionally, BeeBeeOne’s systems are fire-safe, allowing them to be placed in locations where large-scale lithium-ion systems are unsuitable, such as residential areas or next to gas tanks.

Storing sustainable energy sustainably with natural materials

BeeBeeOne’s energy storage systems utilise natural materials such as water, air, sand, and biodegradable substances. Our systems are composed of recyclable components.

With a lifespan of 25 years or more, BeeBeeOne systems provide reassurance for future generations. By using proven components from other industries and systems, we ensure high reliability, even under prolonged intensive use.

Proven technology that is immediately profitable

At BeeBeeOne, we choose proven technology to ensure reliability in our systems. This reliability directly benefits our users. Large-scale energy storage is already a new phenomenon; why choose technology that has not yet proven itself? Choose BeeBeeOne systems for dependable and profitable energy storage solutions.

Want to learn more about our
clean energy storage systems?