Large-scale electricity generation

This article was written by:

Professor Emeritus Lou van der Sluis

Emeritus professor Lou van der Sluis

Published on October 8, 2024

The growth of renewable energy solutions such as wind turbines and solar panels is dramatically changing our energy infrastructure. Large-scale electricity generation refers to the process of producing large amounts of electricity to meet the demand of entire regions or countries. Traditionally, this was achieved through fossil fuels such as coal and gas, but with the growing focus on sustainability, renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and hydro are playing an increasing role.

Large-Scale electricity generation

However, with the increase in large-scale electricity generation through renewable energy sources, we are becoming increasingly dependent on the weather, leading to imbalance between energy generation and consumption. This imbalance, better known as grid congestion, is a growing problem in the Netherlands and other countries. But fortunately, BeeBeeOne offers an innovative solution to this challenge.

The power of power pools

The backbone of our electricity supply is formed by large power plants spread across the country. The primary energy source can be hydropower from reservoirs, fossil fuels gas, oil, coal (conventional thermal power plants) or uranium (nuclear thermal power plants). Countries with long-term trading contracts and a common frequency power arrangement form what is known as a Power Pool.

In Europe, for example, 42 Transmission System Operators (TSOs) in 35 countries (such as France, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and many others) work together in ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators ) context. NORDEL is the alliance of Nordic networking companies.

A power pool combines multiple energy generators, such as solar farms, wind turbines, and energy storage systems, with different energy consumers, such as businesses or industrial plants. This collaboration allows surpluses of, say, solar energy in one area to be shared with shortages in another. This makes it possible to better balance supply and demand and reduce grid congestion. In addition, participants in a power pool can benefit together from lower grid connection costs and can jointly access energy trading markets, where they can trade their surpluses.

Thus, power pools play an important role in the energy transition by promoting the integration of renewable energy sources, ensuring grid stability and creating economic benefits for participants.

Resolving grid congestion

Large-scale electricity generation has many benefits, but it can also lead to grid congestion. Grid congestion occurs when more electricity is generated than the grid can handle, especially on days with lots of sun and wind. At the same time, the demand for electricity is rising due to the increase in electric appliances and vehicles. BeeBeeOne offers a solution by storing excess electricity and releasing it when demand exceeds supply. This not only reduces grid congestion, but also allows companies to scale up production without relying on additional grid connections.

BeeBeeOne’s contribution

BeeBeeOne plays a critical role in the energy transition and large-scale electricity generation by helping companies optimize their energy consumption and store renewable energy for later use. With our innovative technology and focus on sustainability, we are setting the tone for the future of large-scale energy storage. Whether solving grid congestion or reducing dependence on fossil fuels, BeeBeeOne provides the solutions needed to create a cleaner, more sustainable future.

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